See Some Images of a Frog Sitting with good posture Just Like a Human!!!

Is this a real frog or a figurine?

A frog whose sitting posture is just like a human being!

Such a character appears in the movie which is titled “A Frog Sitting on a Bench Like a Human”. If you are still not certain if this is a real frog, please take a closer look at the image!

▼ Is this a figurine or a real amphibian?
source: YouTube
Another of the frog finds his front legs resting comfortably on his back legs which is precisely the same sitting as many people! The frog’s stoic expression is hilarious!

source: YouTube

Please take a look and watch the extended video below.

See Video Here

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This surreal video was released in 2012 and it became very popular movie all over the world!

source: youtube

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