See the Frightening Power of Nature in the Full Intake Vortex Video!!!

At the Texoma Lake Reservoir of the Denison Dam in Texas, there are videos of a very strange phenomenon called a “full intake vortex” or hole created in the middle of a body of water which forces large amounts of h2o downward at extremely high speeds and it quickly became a popular discussion topic online.

If you look from above, you can see the gaping hole of the vortex opening.

I cannot not see the bottom of the hole or where the water is going to as such high speed. The size of the hole in the vortex seems to be about 2.4 meters wide and a person could be easily sucked downward toward certain death if he were to fall into it. It is noisy and frightening.

Please take a look at the video that allows to see and hear the power of the “full intake vortex”.

See Video Here

What did you think? Was it strange to see a noisy “full intake vortex” in the middle of a lake?

Although, it was just a hole in the middle of a body of water, it seemed to be quite unusual and appeared to be very dangerous with a little imagination.


source: YouTube

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