Here is a Clever Video of the World’s Simplest Electric Train Using a Battery and a Magnet!!!


By following basic scientific principles, anyone can create “World’s Simplest Electric Train” which operated on the electricity created by the battery, magnets and copper wire! Please take a look at these images and the video below for more detail on this neat scientific experiment.

▼ Here are necessary components to make this “simple electric train”. You will need 2 AA size batteries, some copper wire and 4 small magnets which all can be purchased at a hardware store.

▼ For this experiment, all that is required is some coiled copper wire, battery and two small magnets that fit on both sides of the battery.

▼ Hold the copper wire tubing with one hand and gently start to push the battery and magnet through the wire tubing. and only through doing this.

▼ Once the battery and magnet enters the copper wire tubing, the electricity and magnetism creates energy which moves the device! It is very simple and quite amazing science!

▼ The battery-magnet device can also move within a longer copper wire hoop

See Video Here

A battery has a positive charge (+) and reacts with the negative (-) conduction of the copper wire tubing, the magnets provides the impetus to create movement along the copper wire. A train’s wheels operate on the same concept and electricity provides the power to turn the wheels.

Please try this at home as it is a rather basic and simple experiment that is low cost and takes just a few minutes to try!

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