See a Startling Study Showing a Correlation Between Living Longer and Having Friends!!!

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According to a recent study conducted by Australian scientists, there appears to be a strong correlation have a large number of strong relationships with friends and higher levels of longevity compared to the relationships with their families and children!

This research and accompanying video became a big topic of discussion with online viewers worldwide after the video was posted on YouTube!

What are the positive effects of friendship?

As a person grows older, the impact of friend’s connections tends to increase in importance and appears to have a clear relation to longevity since a person’s interactions with friends influences their choices and decisions which leads to longer and healthier lives.

source: YouTube

There is a common expression that “blood is deeper than water” which has meant that family ties are always more important than a friend’s relationships but this study reveals that having strong family bonds as well as a close circle of friends is truly the best foundation for increased longevity!

source: YouTube

Recent research suggests that people tend to pursue higher risk-taking activities involving money to secure what they want.

Once you feel lonely or rejected socially, people may find it easier to make risky decisions such as gambling .

source: YouTube

The number of friends people have is approximately 150 people friends.

Those people do not always see you but are people who feel comfortable when invited to a wedding-like social event.

Also, people have an average of five intimate friends that they interact with on a weekly basis along with a circle of 12 to 15 intimate and reliable people.

source: YouTube06
source: YouTube

Do your friends make you feel stress at times?

Having too many online or social friends may not be the best approach.

source: YouTube

Studies show that too many online friends create more stress for people and increases exposure to offensive comments or other types of abuse on social media websites such as Facebook.

source: YouTube

There is no current research comparing online friends and real life friends. However, recent research has suggested there are increased opportunities to meet new friends in a social media or online game setting.

source: YouTube

57% of teenagers have met good friends online and have made 5 or more new friends.

source: YouTube

Online friends will reply as soon as possible. And we can interact with people all over the world.

source: YouTube

Online friends are wonderful but there should be a healthy balance of online and real life friends

People who can build a nice human relationship without stress in any environment throughout their lives will always tend to have happier and healthier lives as well as greater longevity!

Please take a look and watch the extended video below.

See Video Here

source: YouTube

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