Watch This Cat Get Fooled Again and Again by the Clever Device Created by His Owner!!!

source: YouTube
Here is cat at play with his owner’s handmade game of deception that uses levers when pressed pushes a figure of a mouse out of a hole which quickly drops down again when the lever is released!

The kitty is completely focused on this game but becomes increasingly frustrated too!

▼ This mouse moves quickly!
source: YouTube

▼ The kitty eyes his prey!
source: YouTube

▼ Putting his paw into the hole does not produce the desired results.
source: YouTube

▼ Looking at the head of the mysterious mouse may reveal a solution!
source: YouTube

▼ A curious dog pops his head into view and wants to play the game?
source: YouTube

This cat is simply adorable but this toy is extremely frustrating and the target is elusive!

See Video Here

This is a cleverly made device by the cat’s owner that has just enough difficulty to encourage the animal to keep playing!

source: youtube

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