An Inspiring Story of Bravery and Heroism and the Rescue of a Boy from Certain Death!!?

This is a video(This video is no longer available.) of a flood that occurred in the country of Yemen in the Middle East. In the image, there is a young boy who appears to be trapped and standing in the ferocious flowing water of the flash flood. It looks extremely dangerous and the boy looks to be in extreme peril of being washed away and losing his life within the wall of water.

The boy unable to stand up against the onrushing flow of water!!


As the boy starts to be overcome by the torrent in a scene captured by a photographer from the opposite side.

Suddenly, a man appears to jump into the flood in a daring act of heroism to save the boy from certain death!!fd3000251s

The man manages to catch the boy!!


Just in the nick of time, they are able to climb out of danger and the boy is saved!


This actual event of heroism and bravery which occurred in Yemen was brilliant and truly an inspiration!

This boy was saved by the courage of one person who was a true hero in a dangerous situation that could happen to anyone, anywhere and at any time.Thank you to all of the people who risk their lives to help others in danger!!

source: YouTube

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