Biodegradable Coffee Cup Creates a New ECO Treasure and Trees!!!

It looks like a regular, stylish paper for coffee but this is not an ordinary cup but has a hidden secret that could change the world! In fact, this cup is 100% biodegradable and embedded with the species of plants so putting this cup in the garden ” plantable coffee cup ‘s a “!

This “plantable coffee cup” was the inspiration of a USA-California start-up company with the aim of creating the  perfect recycling process in this cup!

After you have finished using this cup, just soak it in water for five minutes to allow the cup to expand. Then, select a suitable location to plant the cup and then place the cup and cover it with soil. Over time, you will able to bear witness to birth of new plant life that can be nurtured and grown to its full potential.
Plant a Soaked/Water-logged cup in any location and nurture the new plant life.

In the United States,  400 million cups of are being consumed and disposed every day. If the cup is a biodegradable ECO  “plantable coffee cup”, it has the power the impact the Earth’s environment dramatically!


If major coffee chains or other businesses that use paper cups to deliver their product to the public, there would a double benefit of having less burnable trash to deal with along with a positive impact making our planet more green.

What an Interesting idea of ​​fun!


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