How to Easily Remove Chewing Gum from Your Shoes and Clothes with this “Life Hack”!!!

Almost everyone has experienced the misfortune of having someone else’s chewing gum stuck either on their shoes or clothes at one time or another. Introducing an important life hack on how to quickly and easily remove this nuisance material without damaging your fashion!

First, you need some cold spray and some whiskey!

How to Remove Chewing Gum from Your Shoes.
Inject the Freezing Spray onto the sole of your shoe that has the gum stuck on it!

Then, you can easily slide the now frozen gum on the sole of the shoe as shown in the following video. If freezing spray is not available, please try applying ice to the chewing gum.

How to Remove Chewing Gum Attached to Your Clothes.
Now, we will need to use the whiskey!

Place the section of clothing into a glass container that you have poured full of whisky. Let it soak for about 5 minutes.

Then, remove the clothing and you should be able to pull off the gum with flow of the liquid as shown here in the photo.

See Video Here

Remember, peeling off chewing gum from your fashion is easy with this “life hack”.

source: YouTube

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