A Shocking “Video Game” about Civil Strife in South Sudan is Reality Sponsored by UNICEF!!!

A new video game premiere was held in Washington DC and the content of this UNICEF sponsored event focused on the horrors of war, death and suffering which is taking place in South Sudan. Here are people attending the event and watching the new video game broadcast on the giant screens for maximum impact.

Although this event looked similar to the launch of a new video game, it was a clever technique to attract attention on a conflict which not many people know about or even care about in the developed world.

Here is the event moderator speaking to the audience and the venue is full of people anticipating a new gaming product!

fd200058rAs the moderator introduces the new game to the crowd, disturbing images from South Sudan are shown on the venue’s screens and monitors located throughout the venue. The audience is stunned to silence.

“A 7-year-old girl” is the avatar of the new game as she encounters the death of her mother from disease and the murder of her brother at the hands of criminal gangs. The visuals are in black and white and the images are crude and ghastly. This was not a typical video game launch and the audience seem to be shocked by it all.

fd200052rThis young girl was forced to consider anything to survive in these war-torn conditions. “There is the option of prostitution in order to earn money for the food shortages and the cost of medical treatment.” Some people could not stand the vivid descriptions of life in South Sudan and had to leave the venue.
fd200053rfd200054rThen, one of the women stands up from the audience and approaches the microphone.
fd200055r“THIS IS NOT A GAME”. “SHE IS ME.”
This South Sudanese woman tells them that her life experiences are the inspiration for the 7-year-old girl video character who has been victimized by the civil strife in South Sudan.
fd200057rThese traumatic events are actually occurring in South Sudan and people are beginning to communicate about this forgotten conflict on social media and online chat groups. The word is slowly getting out to the public.
UNICEF believes that people should aware of this conflict and should try every means possible to help the victims of this horrible conflict.


See Video Here

source: unicef
source: YouTube

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