See an Amazing Portrayal of “Projection Mapping” of an Ocean Wave on a Sandy Beach!!!

source: YouTube

Here is a picture of a beachfront using “projection mapping” made by projecting a video image on the wall and on the floor which is absolutely amazing to see!

Projection mapping is the creation of the Nagoya Institute of Art University graduate digital media design members at the Nagoya Osaka University graduation work exhibition that was posted online by “Hiroshi Asano”. Unfortunately the exhibition has already ended, one can still watch the video and really understand the visual magnitude of their work!

Based on “Hiroyasu’s Asano’s” Twitter posting, “projection mapping” is able to create an unbelievable level of visual beauty and realisim which is simply phenomenal!

Projecting the images on the wall and on the floor surface that is able to reproduce the rhythm and beat of the waves which can be installed in a location where patients can receive the positive effects of the visual images and sounds of ocean waves which can aid in the healing process as well as provide a setting where research and development can also take place.

source: YouTube

Please take a look and watch the extended video below.

See Video Here

What did you think?

It can reproduce the scenery quite realistically, so it seems that the healing effect of the waves
can really be enhanced with “projection mapping”!

source: twitter / youtube / facebook

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