Watch an Adorable Kitten Attempt to Keep his Paws Warm in Several Cute Ways!!!

source: twitter
Here is a lovely image of an adorable kitten with his paws on a heater that was posted on Twitter and became a huge hit with online viewers everywhere! This photo was posted by a Twitter user named “Masaki” and has been retweeted over 190,000 times with these lovely gestures and posture such a captivating cute kitten has become an online celebrity!

A cute kitten looking adorable.

This kitten has his tiny paws against the heater is delightful.

▼ A kitten warming his paws post.
source: twitter

When you turn off the heater, this kitten moves his paws over to a “teapot”!
source: twitter
The facial expression is so lovely as this tiny cat attempts to warm up his tiny paws!

What did you think?

This cute kitten obviously enjoys keeping warm and his tiny paws seem to need some extra warmth from a heater and a teapot! This adorable feline is absolutely adorable!

source: twitter

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