Watch an Adorable 2-Year-Old Boy Place a Toy in an Unusual Spot on Mom!!!

source: YouTube

This 2-year-old baby boy is playing with a toy hammer and some toy nails and really seems to be enjoying himself as he finds many gaps and holes to hammer into. It looks like a lot of fun!

However, his enthusiastic hammering soon creates a major problem and his mother is shocked and angry with her mischievous son!

What on earth did he do!

A 2-year-old child hitting a nail in the wrong place!

Here is this adorable child banging his toy nails into any hole or gap he can find while playing in his house.
source: YouTube

His mother is not really paying attention to him as he pretends to be a carpenter and as he takes out a red plastic nail to hammer somewhere his eye catches an unlikely target!

source: YouTube

Suddenly, the little boy start to hammer the toy nail into his mother’s blouse! His mother is totally stunned and is taken by surprise by this!

source: YouTube

Hey! Don’t hammer a nail in there!

This innocent looking little boy really shocked his mother with his hammering location!

Please take a look and watch the extended video below.

See Video Here/p>

source: YouTube

What did you think?

This was a really a delightful video of such a cute little boy who just loves playing with his toy hammer and nails!

source: YouTube

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