See the illuminated Images of the Moon and the Planet Venus in the Night Sky!!!

source: Twitter

Here are some miraculous images of the Moon and the planet “Venus” illuminated in the starry night sky! These wonderful photos were posted on the social media network of Twitter where they became a huge topic of discussion and acclaim with online viewers from many countries around the world!

Illuminated from the earth.

The illumination of the moon by the earth is a phenomenon in which the darkened area of the moon is lit up by the reflected light of the sun from the earth causing a background of white light against the moon’s profile.

Here is a photograph of the night sky filled with stars with the Moon and the illuminated light from the earth. Also, the planet “Venus” is clearly visible and appears to be approaching the Moon! It is a rarely seen image and it is a fantastic photograph of the stars and planets with the earth’s illumination at the same time!

source: Twitter

These photographs were believed to be taken on the grounds of Universal Studios Japan theme attraction park near the city of Osaka, Japan.

source: Twitter

Here is a photo of the starry sky along with the silhouettes of the building of USJ which creates a cozy but haunting atmosphere!

source: Twitter

These photographs were taken on the evening of January 2nd at a time when the alignment of these orbital bodies were able to seen from earth so it is an extraordinary series of images that display the timeless beauty of the the stars and orbital bodies that are awesome to see!

source: Twitter / Twitter / Twitter

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