See a Sword Fight Between a European “Rapier” and a Japanese “Katana”!!!

source: YouTube
Here are some amazing videos that was posted on YouTube that is a classic duel between a “Western European Rapier and a Japanese Katana Sword” that is apparently seems to be the confrontation of sword cultures!

Which one is better? A rapier or a katana sword?

Here are the two swordsmen dueling with their dramatically different blade in a classic one-on-one duel!

Here is he start of the showdown! What do you think the result will be?

The swords and the technique of their swordsmen is so dramatically different!
source: YouTube

Wow! That is an amazing sword interplay!
source: YouTube

The rapier allows its handler an opportunity to strike at his opponent several times!
source: YouTube
The sharpness and strength of the Japanese swords are unquestioned but the length and technique of the Western European rapier appears to give it a slight advantage!

Please take a look and watch the extended video below.

See Video Here

What did you think?

This video records a clear victory of the Western European rapier over the Japanese samurai sword in this instance though the final completely in this movie. However, the result may have been different if it gets serious.

However, Western sword “rapier”, indeed it is likely to be a pretty strong weapon in a serious fight! What kind of motion picture like “What is strong with various weapons?” Somewhat exciting!

source: youtube

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