Watch this Adorable Cat Unusual Antics with a Room Humidifier on Video!!

source: twitter
Here is an adorable cat named “Kinako”. Apparently, this adorable and petite feline is extremely curious about this room humidifier that has been recently added into her family’s home. The cat’s unusual antics around this appliance compelled her owner to post a video of Kinako’s cute behavior in front of the humidifier on Twitter, where it became a very popular video with a tremendous response from online viewers worldwide!

“Kinako” is a super cute cat.

Twitter User’s” video of “Kinako” posted by Kinako @Napolean has won more than 200,000 views and retweets! It is extremely popular!

People who saw this post and attached quickly became enamored with this frolicking cat and will certainly more popular in the future!

“Kinako’s” owner has also posted some other photos and videos featured on Twitter.

▼ Video Tweets and Retweets are appreciated.

▼ After all, a playful kitty is such a joy to see.

If you are interested in seeing more of “Kinako” on Twitter, please take a look at following link Kinako @Napolean The photos of “Kinako” on Twitter!

source: twitter

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