See a Mother Hen Care for a Homeless Kitten Just Like Her Own Child!!!

source: YouTube

Here is mother hen sitting on top of her nest and presumably keeping her eggs warm and waiting for her chicks to hatch in the corner of a barn.

Something black is moving under the mother chicken! What do you think it is?

What on earth is this chicken warming up? It doesn’t appear to be a baby chicken but another type of animal!

Parent-child bond of nurturing goes beyond animal species.

This video was taken by the owner of the farm and of the mother hen.

Upon entering the darkened room in the barn,

source: YouTube

The figure of the mother chicken can be seen sitting quietly on her nest.

source: YouTube

The mother hen is caring for a different type of baby!

The farmer looks underneath the mother hen and discovers a big surprise!

source: YouTube

It’s the figure of a small kitten!

source: YouTube

This kitten was searching for someplace warm to sleep and the mother hen naturally obliged to care and nurture him!

What a remarkable scene to see a mother chicken care for a different species of baby with the same love and attention as she would for her own baby chicks!

source: YouTube

It seems that a parent-child relationship is already established completely. Surely, this chicken may be aware that myself will be the mother of a kittens.

Please watch The special love and bond of parents and their children appears to be universal!

See Video Here

source: YouTube

What did you think?

Such a wonderful video to see and it was so heartwarming to see the universal love of a mother towards her children!

source: YouTube

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