A Wildlife Observation Camera Captured a Mysterious Naked Man in the Forest!!!

source: es-us.noticias.yahoo.com

Here is a mysterious image that was captured by a wildlife observation camera that became a huge topic of discussion with online viewers worldwide!

Researchers at Virginia Tech University installed motion sensor cameras in the forest for wildlife observation but were puzzled by the recorded footage of a mysterious naked man crawling in the forest!

A naked man crawling through the forest on his hands and knees!?

What do you think is the reason for this type of activity?
source: es-us.noticias.yahoo.com

Researchers are still confused by this footage and were unable to identify the man or understand the reason for this bizarre activity!

What on earth was this man doing?

The truth is still a mystery at this time!

source: es-us.noticias.yahoo.com / twitter

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