See the Images of a Seagull Who Fell into Some Indian Curry Cuisine!!!

Have you ever seen a bird with before? Actually this seagull accidentally fell into a waste bin at a food processing plant while scavenging for food! In fact, the bird was attracted the aroma of spices from some “chicken tika curry” which had been placed outside the plant. While trying to steal some of the meat, the hapless bird fell into the bin of spices and became an orange-colored “chicken tikka” seagull!

A worker in the factory discovered the seagull and took the bird to a hospital where it was washed thoroughly though the smell and color of the spices remained!

The staff at the hospital were quite surprised at the strong spicy odor when the seagull was brought in and took several washes before the bird was able to regain its natural color. The aroma of the spices would remain for a quite a while longer!

Please take a look and watch the extended video below.

See Video Here

The seagull remained at the hospital remained at the hospital as it was malnourished and too weak and thin to fly. The bird’s escapades and photos were posted on Facebook where it soon became famous with many online viewers and was given the online moniker of “Gullfrazie” which means genius!

Please be careful not to fall into any more waste bins of spice in the future!

source: / youtube

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