See a Kitten and a Cat Hugging in These Adorable Photos from a Temporary Shelter!!!

source: twitter
Here is an amazing and adorable image of a white kitten and a cat engaged in a playful hug for the camera as this kitten is being embraced by the adult cat who will become adopted by a new family so this intimacy and bonding is temporary but so important! The kitten’s name is “Koharu” while the adult cat is “Summer”. These cute images have become so popular online with many viewers worldwide so please take a look!

▼Volunteer Custody of the Cat. @tkmt0629Tweets

A really “intimate kitty embrace”. A strong bond developed between these two cats in such a short time!

However, just one day after this photo was taken, a new family selected “Koharu” and was separated from “Summer” forever so this temporary house situation can be a difficult ordeal for these sensitive animals!

However, in this house, a custody volunteer needs to pay attention to all of the animals which means hugging “Cocoa” the cat!

In this temporary shelter, these felines from different homes and situations find solace and short-term companionship with each other before being separated from their new found friends and finding a new home and a new family. It is hardly an ideal situation but this house provides a support system for these wayward pets! “Summer” and “Mii-chan” are still looking for a new home and the hope is that they will find happiness with some loving family.

For cats and kitten who are without parents or companions this temporary house offers a chance of companionship before being adopted by a new human family!

source: twitter

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