“Mt. Fuji” from Outer Space is a Sensational and Beautiful Photo Shot!!!

Source: Www.Reddit.Com

This photo of “Mt. Fuji” was taken from 2001 but was only recently posted to an overseas bulletin board site and taken off in popularity since it was taken from space and is a fantastic image of Japan’s most beautiful mountain.

Online Comments

・I have never seen anything so beautiful!
・That’s cool!
・it so rare that the mountain looks so clear!
・Let me put Godzilla for comparison of magnitude!
・Though I knew Fuji-san was beautiful, this photo angle is great!
・I want to climb Mount Fuji now! Really, it would be fun!

By the way, the photo below was taken from space on May 31, 2010. This is from an oblique angle and it is another outstanding photo of the magnificent Mount Fuji.

source: natgeo.nikkeibp.co.jp

source: www.geocities.jp

Here it is from ground level showcasing the beautiful symmetry of Mt. Fuji, a symbol of Japan!

source: www.reddit.com / natgeo.nikkeibp.co.jp

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