How Personality diagnosis Can Be Analyzed by the Length of Your Toes???


There is a personality diagnosis can be analyzed based on the “length of the toes”. Please try it out to check it!

1. Egyptian type.

The big toe is the longest on the foot. Most common form seems to be of this type. This personality type has a gentle heart and is considered romantic.

2. Roman type.

The big toe and other toes are almost the same length. They are a little shy but have a strength of the heart.

3. Greek type.

The second toe is the longest on the foot and this personality has leadership, talent and imagination.

The personality can be seen in the toes.

In addition to the length of the toes, personality can be seen from the various features of the toes as follows. Check these characteristics out!

● The middle finger is bent.

Always looking for stimulus.

● The little finger is full of extremely small.

Curious and a tendency to be childish.

● The second toe of the left leg is bent to the thumb side.

Impressed easily but also can be vulnerable.

● The unconventional little toe can be open wide.

Not earnestly seeking change and irritation in everyday life.


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