Foods that Should Not be Saved at Room Temperature and Not in the Refrigerator!!!


Food poisoning is a concern during the rainy season and in the hot and humid summers in Japan. Most foods should be stored in the refrigerator, but there is also many foods that best kept out of the fridge. We will introduce some of these foods that you may or may not know.

Onions: The humidity is high and reduces the taste and nutrition.

In the case of onions, the refrigerator crisper is set on high humidity (Around 90%) and is not suitable for the storage of onions. Try to save in a well-ventilated place at (room temperature).

Potatoes: The texture is rougher and cool.

When you save potatoes in the refrigerator, A rough texture is created as the starch breaks down into sugar. Try to store in a cool place and put in a paper bag.

Watermelon: Cool temperatures reduces the nutrition and sweetness.

Watermelon stored in a cool place reduces the nutritional value (such as beta-carotene and antioxidants) as well as the sweet flavour.

Honey: A cold place is not good.

Honey’s main component is glucose and fructose so cool temperatures will cause it to crystalize and become white in colour. Store it at room temperature.

Bread: Aging starch will reduce the taste and flavour.

The flavour of bread is affected by aging of the starch. The temperature of the refrigerator will accelerate the aging of the starch and reduce the taste of the bread.

Basil: It is particularly weak in the cold.

Basil is a tropical herb and is vulnerable to cold. It will shrivel when put in the refrigerator and lose flavour. Try to save indoors in some water.

Many foods at room temperature are more tasty and nutritious. Please keep the above foods in mind!


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