See the Remarkable Transformation of a Blonde Brazilian in a K-POP Media Star!!!

Here is the amazing story of how a boy from Brazil transformed himself into a Korean Pop Music (K-POP) media star which has become a huge hit online with many viewers all over the world.

Xiahn is a 25-year-old from southern Brazil who spent a year in South Korea as an exchange student. He became enamored with Korean popular music (K-POP) and culture and decided to stay and live there. In addition to that, he decided to have cosmetic surgery in order to look like some of the music stars that he grown to love and admire. After spending thousands of dollars on the procedure, he changed his hair color and fashion and transformed his entire look so he would be identical to a K-POP music star. As a result of this extreme makeover, Xiahn was featured in the Korean media and has become a media star for his dedication and love of modern culture in the “Hermit Kingdom”.

Here is a photo of Xiahn before the makeover.


Here is a photo of Xiahn after the cosmetic surgery and fashion makeover.







Online Comments

· He looked handsome before and looks handsome now!
· On the other hand, many Koreans aspire to look like Westerners.
· He made a really big decision to change his look so I hope that he is happy.

Before and After.


The pros and cons of cosmetic surgery is always a topic of contention with many people and his story to identify himself with the music and culture that he loves with such a dramatic transformation is quite a story.

What do you think?

source: dailymail

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