A Simple Flip-Book made in Just 10 Seconds Becomes a Unique Work of Art!!

This simple but strange Flip-Book is the creation of the American artist Scott Blake and it is a work of art!

By punching holes into a pattern on a piece of paper and shifting the pattern little by little, you can make a Flip-Book!

See Video Here

Scott is also famous for art that uses bar codes and the picture of Bruce Lee below was drawn using bar codes!
Moreover, it is possible to read the bar codes one by one, allowing the image of Bruce Lee to flow and move during the process!

See Video Here

There are people who can imagine and created many unique and interesting forms of art from all over the world!

I am surprised and impressed at the richness of the artist’s idea!


source: YouTube
source: barcodeart.com/
source: thisiscolossal

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