Here is the Heartwarming Story of an Animal Rescue of a Mother Dog and Her Three Precious Puppies!!!

fd003251rHere is a heartwarming story from overseas about a special animal rescue that is receiving a lot of attention from online viewers from all over the world.

Animal rescue personnel received reports from local residents about a strange dog hiding in the forest nearby. The dog was blinded in one eye and despite many attempts to lure the animal from its location, it stubbornly refused to move.


Here is an animal rescue staff member attempting to coax the dog from its hiding place in the forest and the dog responds by biting the hand of the staff member.

As the dog emerges from the forest, rescue personnel soon discover that there are 3 young puppies in the back of the bushes where the dog had been staying. It seems clear that the mother dog was intent on protecting her babies from predators.

fd003257rRescue personnel show the mother one of her puppies to help alleviate her concern for their safety.

The mother dog and her three puppies are driven away together in a animal rescue protection vehicle to a safer location.

Four weeks after the rescue, all four animals are healthy and safe at their new home at the animal shelter.

Animal shelters like this facility provide homeless or abandoned animals a place to be cared for until they can find a new home and new owners who want to take care of them. I hope all of the members of this family are able to find a happy home with kind owners in the future.

See Video Here

source: YouTube

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