Only 25 Percent of People Can Distinguish All of the Colors in this Color Chart Challenge!!!


The colors that people see of a particular object really depends upon the the eye of the beholder and an expert in the field of brain science and consumer behavior has created a color chart challenge of testing people’s ability to see different colors from a marketing perspective which revealed some interesting results!

How Many Colors Do You Actually See?


Here is a color chart that is used are in the test and test subjects are asked which colors are visible to them. There are actually 39 different colors in this chart according to the test. How many colors can you see?

■ In the Case of Being Able to See 20 Colors or Less.

People who are able to recognize less than 20 colors represent about 25% of the total population. These individuals function on two-color vision receptors rather than the standard three-color vision receptors found in people with normal vision. These people may have difficulty distinguishing red and green colors.

■ In the Case of Being Able to See from 21 Colors to 31 Colors.

The majority of the population are able to see from 21 to 32 colors and have three-color vision receptors which are based on the ability to clearly recognize blue, red and green colors.

■ In the Case of Being Able to See from 32 Colors to 39 Colors.

People who are able to see from 32 to 39 colors in the spectrum have four-color vision receptors which include blue, green, red and yellow. People with this visual ability is also called “tetrachromatic vision”. People who have four-color type vision receptors only represent 2-3 percent of the population and the majority are female.

By the way…

A person who has the visual condition called “Tetrachromacy” is actually able to recognize more colors than a normal person. Tetrachomatic vision would allow someone to see distinct colors of a full moon while normal color recognition would only see the grey color associated with the moon.


What did you think?

The colors that we see really depends upon the person who is looking at the colors. People appear to have slightly different abilities to detect the type of that they are seeing.

source: elitedaily

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