A Timely Rescue of Some Bear Cubs from a Dumpster Using a Ladder is a Heartwarming Story!!!

fd002873hBlack bears and their cubs often come down into urban areas in the spring and summer in search of food and there is an uneasy relationship between these animals and people at the best of times.

Here is a heartwarming story of a person helping out some bear cubs in distress after they are climbed into a dumpster are unable to climb out on their own by placing a ladder into the dumpster! Please watch the video and the wonderful story of their rescue with the help of a ladder and a kind human!


See Video Here

The young bears were clearly in a predicament and the man’s action with the ladder allowed them to escape and return to their mother. What a timely intervention and helpful act by this person!

▼ A ladder is deposited into a dumpster in the middle of a wilderness area with the young bears trapped inside!

fd002874▼Some bear cubs appear climbing out of the dumpster! Are they using the ladder that was just deposited?fd002875

▼ The precocious bear cubs then go on their way following their mother. What an adorable scene!

What a wonderful and heartwarming scene!


source: YouTube

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