source: YouTube
Here are some delightful images of a well-behaved sea otter swimming on his back and daintily devouring some shellfish. What’s even more lovely is that the animal then returns the empty shells back to a person with a garbage bag!
This skillful display of eating has become a big topic of discussion with online viewers from around the world recently!
source: YouTube
This sea otter seems to love the fresh taste and texture of these shellfish!
source: YouTube
When the animal returns with the empty shells, a fresh fish is offered! What a treat!
source: YouTube
When the sea otter is finished eating, the animal waves goodbye to everyone with the help of an unknown person!
source: YouTube
Here is another fish for the hungry sea otter!
source: YouTube
Thank you for the meal!
source: YouTube
What did you think?
The otter’s behavior is such a delight to see!
Please take a look and watch the extended video below.
See Video Here
source: YouTube