See a Grandmother Caress a Tiny Baby and a Large Dog at the Same in this Cute Video!!!

source: YouTube

Here is a grandmother with her 1-year-old grandson who is lying on the sofa. There is also a large dog who is lying on the sofa next to the grandmother who seems to be looking for some attention!

These adorable video images have become a very popular topic of discussion with online viewers everywhere since it was posted on YouTube!

Please take a look and watch the extended video below.

See Video Here

source: YouTube

While cradling the head of her grandchild, the woman also tries to gently stroke the tummy of the dog who is lying on his back with the expression of an infant!

Please give me some attention, too!!

source: YouTube

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This large canine is posing just like the tiny grandchild! The expression on the dog’s face is simply adorable!

source: YouTube

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