Watch Frantic Raccoons Flail Around with Floating Soap Bubbles in This Adorable Video!!!

source: YouTube

Here are two raccoons that are frantically flailing their paws in the air while trying to capture several floating soap bubbles in the air! This adorable scene has become a big topic of discussion with online viewers all over the world recently!

There are soap bubbles everywhere!

source: YouTube

Both raccoons flail around while trying capture all of the soap bubbles.

source: YouTube

One raccoon is pounding his paws on the floor to kill the bubbles!

source: YouTube

Now stand up and try to catch these bubbles!

source: YouTube

Here is raccoon attempting to chew and eat a soap bubble.

source: YouTube

Soap bubbles are not so delicious!

source: YouTube

These adorable antics of these animals is so cute to see that it will certainly bring a smile to your face!

Please watch and enjoy the extended video below.

See Video Here

source: YouTube

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