Watch a Courageous Canine Improvise by Using the Breaststroke in the Water!!!

source: YouTube

Here is a dog who is able to swim using the breaststroke after physical disabilities made swimming in a “doggy-style” technique impossible! Here are some short videos introducing this amazing dog swimming despite suffering from hip dysplasia!

This Labrador Retriever is named “Emma” and is suffering from hip dysplasia (a congenital abnormal condition involving the hip joint in larger dogs). Hip dysplasia is more common in large dog breeds such as Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers and German Shepherds.

It is said that fast growth and excessive stress due to rapid weight gain as these larger dogs get older are the reasons for this condition. However, “Emma” is able swim around swiftly when her owner throws the ball into the water!

source: YouTube

This dog has been able to adapt her swimming technique to something similar to a breaststroke which allows the pooch to enjoy swimming in the water!

source: YouTube

Here is “Emma” coming back with the ball.

source: YouTube

Here is “Emma” using the breaststroke in the water.

source: YouTube

If a large dog can swim using this technique, they can continue to enjoy swimming even with hip dysplasia!

source: YouTube

Despite having this physical limitation, “Emma” the golden retriever was able to transform it into a positive and mastered the breaststroke for swimming in the water. Please have a look at the images that will give you both courage and inspiration!

Please take a look and watch the extended video below.

See Video Here

source: YouTube


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