Witness the Astonishing Versatility of a Pet Bottle as a Life-Hack for Building Materials!!!

source: Vimeo

What do you do with a PET bottle after drinking the contents? Most people throw them out and deposit them in trash cans so that they can be recycled. However, there is an amazing life-hack that allows a PET bottle to used to replace glue or tape for building materials! This has become a big topic of discussion with online viewers from all over the world!

A PET bottle and a hair dryer!

All you need is a PET bottle and a hair dryer!

We don’t use the bottom or the top of the PET bottle so cut those out with pair of scissors.

source: Vimeo

The middle part of the PET bottle will be used in the this life-hack as shown in the image above.

source: Vimeo

After that, use the PET bottle at the joint of the piece of furniture and heat up the plastic with a hair dryer.

source: Vimeo

The plastic starts to gradually shrinks and becomes sticky. The plastic later hardens and becomes an adhesive bond just like glue!

source: Vimeo

As you can see, different shapes and materials can be connected together!

source: Vimeo

Here is another PET bottle bond that creates a super-strong connection between different types of materials.

source: Vimeo
source: Vimeo

The plastic bond is able to withstand attempts to be broken!

source: Vimeo

There are many potential applications with this ingenuous life-hack.

A do-it-yourself (DIY) with a PET bottle and a hair dryer!

Using PET bottles and a hair dryer, the ability to mold the shape of the plastic and use it as a bond for wooden chairs and tables as shown below!

Here is an example of inserting notches so that the PET bottles can be used instead of metal screws or glue.

source: Vimeo
source: Vimeo

The shape is easily transformed using a hair dryer.

source: Vimeo

The strength and stability of this small table is clearly shown here.

source: Vimeo
source: Vimeo

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Please take a look and watch the extended video below!

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source: Vimeo

source: Vimeo

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