See a UFO Shaped-Object Flying Around NASA’s Top Secret Facilities on Google Earth!!!

source: YouTube

A UFO was spotted observing NASA’s top-secret facilities on Google Earth! This amazing video captures what appears to be a mysterious flying object attempting to explore NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory was captured on video via Google Earth and was later posted on YouTube has become a huge topic of discussion with online viewers worldwide! like discs

source: YouTube

After watching the video, there are a number of strange-shaped objects that are captured on the video which may or may not be alien spacecraft flying in the same area in 2014 again via Google Earth. WS000005_R
source: YouTube

What do you think?

source: YouTube

Some flying objects are clearly seen approaching the vicinity of the NASA’s facility.
source: YouTube

The shape of the mysterious craft appears to be round or disc-shaped and perhaps these alien explorers were searching for evidence of NASA’s latest interstellar technology?
source: YouTube

Do you think that UFO’s actually exist?

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Labratory is a place with many theories and top-secret technology is said to exist so perhaps these strange flying objects were NASA testing some alien technology!?

The truth is out there.

See Video Here

source: YouTube


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