Dueling Doggies Threaten Violence But an Open Gate Deflates the Scene!!!


source: YouTube

Here is a video of some dueling dogs who are threatening each other with a huge steel gate between them. It is a stand off and they continue to bark at each other! Their aggressive behavior gives the indication that a fight may be imminent!

What happens at the end is totally unexpected!

Aggressive and excited dogs are separated by a huge gate.

These pooches look really excited and are very noisy but is it a dangerous situation? Perhaps the huge gate is making them braver than they are!

▼ One brown colored dog is barking furiously at a group of dogs and they are separated a huge steel gate.


source: YouTube

They are clearly not getting along and they are clearly acting with a lot of anger and hostility!

▼ The excitement is reaching a fever pitch! A fight may break out!


source: YouTube

▼ What? This gate has been open the whole time! What is going to happen now?

source: YouTube

Now, all of the dueling dogs realize that the gate is open but their reaction is confusing!?

▼ “I remembered a little while ago!” “I also.”


source: YouTube

The group of dogs suddenly and very quietly turn and leave the scene! What a shock to see!

It almost seem that this entire scene was scripted and no conflict was ever going to occur!

Please take a look and watch the extended video below.

See Video Here

It seems they did not want to fight at all and it was actually more bark than bite! People seem to be like that too!

source: youtube

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