See a Hilarious Video Showing the Dangers of Softball Players Playing Dodgeball!!!

source: YouTube
Here is a hilarious video that was recently posted on Facebook that has quickly became a popular topic of discussion with online viewers from all around the world! In the video, some girls are enjoying a game of dodgeball in a gymnasium but one of the girls seems to have an overpowering advantage and is easily winning the game!

A softball pitcher playing dodgeball.

The girl is actually a pitcher on the local softball team named “Addison Slayback” and her father shot the video and then later posted it on Facebook!

This video was viewed over 2 million times so far on Facebook and was later uploaded to YouTube where it was played more than one million times!

▼ Her ball throwing technique is amazing!
source: YouTube

▼ She easily hits any person she aims for!
source: YouTube

▼ Another girl is struck by the ball and she is out of the game!
source: YouTube

▼ Another girl is hit!
source: YouTube

Please take a look and watch the extended video below.

See Video Here

What did you think?

With a softball pitcher, playing dodgeball with a ball this size is a major advantage as the pitcher can generte a lot of speed and accuracy so the other players don’t really have a chance!

source: youtube / facebook

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