See the World’s First Air Combat with a Jet Aircraft and a Human Jet-Wing!!!

source: YouTube

Here is a remarkable scene which is the very first time to have ever taken place as fighter jet aircraft are flying side by side with human jet-wings in an acrobatic exhibition over the skies of France!It is unprecedented scene which is explained in the following images and video for your viewing pleasure! This story became a big topic of discussion with online viewers from all over the world!

A huge achievement for the human race.

Acrobatic flights are exciting spectacles but it is impossible to imagine an aircraft and a living human being flying side by side in the sky.

The jets begin their approach towards their historic meeting with the human jet-wing!
source: YouTube

The French Air Force’s acrobat team is called the “Patrauil de France”.
source: YouTube

The human jet-wings head through the sky with a helicopter.
source: YouTube

Next to the helicopter, the acrobat team of the “Alfa Jet-Wing” is about to get underway.
source: YouTube

Finally, they are ready to fly off and meet the jet aircraft!
source: YouTube

Wow! What an amazing sight to see humans flying along side jet aircraft!
source: YouTube

source: YouTube

source: YouTube

This is truly an amazing picture.
source: YouTube

For the first time in human history!
source: YouTube

The pilots of the jet-wings are member of the acrobatic flying squad so they are able to fly without discomfort or difficulty!
source: YouTube

The sight of human jet-wings flying in the sky with these jet aircraft fighters is truly a spectacular scene that took place for the first time in human history!

Please take a look and watch the extended video below!

See Video Here

source: YouTube

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