A Woman’s Unique Hair Color Which Changes Depending on Her Location is Fascinating!!!


Previously, Fundo released an interesting article on a hot global topic involving celebrity fashion called What Colour is this Dress? Photos of a mysterious dress stimulated controversial opinions in the eye of the beholder from the many readers become a popular topic online.

And now, there is a video of a woman’s hair color that changes depending on the location, has topped more than 2,000,000 views has become a viral topic worldwide.

Please take a look at the color of the woman’s hair inside her kitchen.
A different color at a different location.
And now back to the original location, and the hair colour is different once again. How interesting!
And changing the location one more time and a yet another different colour.

The woman’s hair appears to be blue or purple. Even so, it is a wonder! By the way, the man who took this video, voices amazement each time the color of the hair changes.

Online Comments

・Why does it change color?
・Is it because of LED or halogen lights?
・I do think it’s the effect of the light.
・I also want to try her hair color I wonder if I can.
・How does the color change so distinctly?

Why does the color change? Also, I do not know whether the hair color is a truly one color or a combination of colors.
What do you think happens?

See Video Here

source: YouTube

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