A Young Girl has a Strange Request and Asks Her Mom for a Baby Cow as a Pet!!!


A young girl spoke to her mom in front of the door at their home. The girl announces that she would like to have a baby cow calf as a house pet and invites the huge animal into the house! The mother is quite surprized but agrees to her daughter’s unusual request. Please look at the photos and the video of this fascinating situation.

Here is the young girl with her new pet!


This calf is pretty big!


The size of the baby cow could present some problems as shown just how big the animal is and just how small the room was in this photo below. ♪


Here is the calf snuggling with the young girl.


They both look happy. ♪


See Video Here

I am a little surprized that the mother agreed with her daughter’s request to have a calf as a house pet since the size of an adult cow would be a problem later on but the young girl and her new pet seems to be a happy pair!

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