See the Hilarious Haircut of a Chocolate Feline that is a Delight to See!!!

source: twitter
Here is a beautiful and dignified 10-year-old cat that is named “Chocolate”. His owner is a Twitter user who recently posted some hilarious photos of this cat ”KOHAKU&KOMUGI @kohaku_komugi” just after receiving a summer haircut that totally transformed the feline into an unrecognizable creature! Chocolate’s owner also has two other cats and these images have created a lot of buzz with online viewers from all over the world!

“Chocolate” after the horrific haircut.

“Chocolate” appears to be in a state of shock!

Cat or creature?
source: twitter
Is this is really the same cat?

This bizarre haircut is both creepy and cute!

▼ This cat has a cutting edge haircut!
source: twitter

▼ What a sexy pose.
source: twitter

At a side profile, it looks like a totally different cat!
source: twitter

The summer version of “Chocolate” is a lovely and cute kitty!

source: twitter

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