A Photo of a Terminally Ill Dog Touched the Hearts of Many People!!!

source: imgur.com

This one photo became a hugely popular topic of online discussion on the “Reddit” overseas bulletin board service. A contributor had posted a single photo of his dog and a brief explanation of his pet’s deteriorating physical condition as well as having made a very difficult decision on what to do with the long term situation of watching a wonderful animal suffer.

It was an older dog who was terminally ill and his owners provided their pet with a final ride in their car while on their way to the animal clinic so that their beloved pet could be put to sleep. However, there was a comment from the same contributor the next day.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m sorry. I did not mean to ruin the last year of those people who were overcome with sentimentality about my dog Libra. My dog was 15 years old and we had been together every day since I was a child and this dog has been my best friend and companion! However, her medical condition had worsened and she had been suffering from seizures and bladder issues for quite a while so a decision was made to give her some peace and comfort as well as an escape from all of the pain she had been suffering on a daily basis. This final photo shows her final day as a happy one though I think about her often and miss her each and every day!”

This photo was taken on July 29th, 2015 and “Libra” the dog was happy with her nose in the wind. Here are some online viewer comments.

· I hope that this dog is at peace now.

· I also experienced difficult times when a pet had to be put down.

· Rest in peace Libra!

This photo and online viewer comments created a lot of excitement and empathy as many people have experienced the loss of a favorite pet!

source: reddit.com / imgur.com

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