See Two Parakeets Challenge Each Other Over The Best Position in Front of a Heater!!!


As the weather and temperatures become progressively colder, two pet parakeets hover nearby to a portable heater inside their owner’s home. The two birds engage in a quiet but intense duel over who will enjoy the best position in front of the heater that is simply fascinating! See the parakeets quietly challenge each other for the best place to stay warm! This spectacle is simply a delight to see and enjoy!


One bird is clearly trying to maximize this close position to the heater by spreading its wings while the other bird is waiting patiently nearby.

This parakeet species is called a Bourke’s Parrot and originates from the central part of Australia where it is said to live in pairs or small flocks with a mild and modest personality. So, it seems that these mild-mannered birds is displaying their inherent personality in this quiet challenge to enjoy the warmth of the heater!


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