“Surprising Kitty Relaxing in a Plastic Bag is Cute and Strange to See!?!

fd0827005source: twitter.com

This cute kitty has a surprising and relaxed facial expression while being suspended in a plastic bag was posted on Twitter and became a very popular posting and discussion topic online!

An apparently likeable image.

The face of the cat looks very cozy in this bag just like being in a bath!


Kitty with a pretty relaxed face once back at home had been exposed.

source: twitter.com

The kitty looking through a hole in the plastic bag almost seems to be a little shy.


How did you come up here? And I don’t know anymore!

source: twitter.com 

The look and the paw.♪


I am not shy.

source: twitter.com

The kitty is apparently bored and wants out of the plastic bag. (LOL)


source: twitter.com

Escape after making the mess.

Twitter Comments.

・Kind of a cute cat.!
・It is a cute enough to instinctively want to take the kitty home with me.

The cat’s appearance in this plastic bag resulted in “20,000 RT (retweets) in one day on Twitter“. This topic became popular instantly.

Geek cat photo in bag has taken first place in the world.)

source: twitter.com

A cat in a plastic bag or a cardboard box are quite common, but a cat in “suspended” plastic bag in the air is a unique and hilariously cute image!

source: twitter.com

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