Beautiful Goldfish made with Prabang Plastic is Fantastic Fashionable Art!!!

This beautiful goldfish accessory is made of handmade clear prabang plastic layers. In addition, you can turn off the Prabang with one handmade one, and painted or, it seems to make it or by heating!

How to Make the Plastic Goldfish.

It is apparently cut like this in Prabang! It is a plate of just a plastic really.


Then, add the intermediate coating colour.


Quenching! The more colour you add, the stronger the effect.


Author of Tweets About the Goldfish.

What! I hear that work also’s a hand to bend!

The Prabang goldfish of this person on Twitter, etc. become a hot fashion and accessory topic and includes an online shop that sells the handmade goldfish.

fd300005source: village vanguard online store
Handmade goldfish earrings are quite popular as, they go together with yukata (Japanese summer kimono) for the summer fireworks season that takes place all over Japan.

source: / Twitter

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