See an Exhausted Baby Elephant Decide to Take a Nap on a Busy Highway!!!


Here are some photos of some elephants that were taken in the National Park of South Africa, but one baby elephant’s antics created an unbelievable episode that was captured on film and enjoyed by people all over the world.

The behaviour of these animals are almost human as they display strong and unique personalities. Please take a look at the photos and the video and enjoy this natural comedy!

Are you tired? A baby elephant suddenly decides to lie down in the middle of a busy highway which has a lot of traffic! Not a good idea!


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Here come his mother! She tries to wake her child up but has no success as the cars go by.


Now, the rest of the elephant family strolls by but the baby remains immobile on the road.

Some adults now gather around the young elephant trying to rouse him out of his slumber. However, no such luck!


Now, his mom and older sister start to nudge him awake and ever so slowly, the baby elephant starts to wake up finally!


The mother looks relieved as the her son slowly gets to his feet. They all start move across the busy highway.


It is somehow a pleasing sight to see the elephant clan safely off the busy road.

See Video Here

Elephants are often quite similar to humans in their behaviour and their interaction with their children. this video was a glimpse of family ties of some wonderful animals.

source: YouTube

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