An Inspirational TV Commercial from Thailand Portrays the Younger Generation in a Positive Light!!!

Here is a TV commercial of a life insurance company in Thailand that focuses on some important social themes that was very impressive. It is a 3-minute long story featuring the trials and tribulations faced by the younger generation today that is both sensitive and thought provoking.

Please watch this well-made cinematic production in a short but succinct compilation of social values and virtues.

See Video Here

▼ Here is a young man helping an elderly woman which contradicts today’s image of a self-centered younger generation.

▼ Here is a young man demonstrating kindness and generosity to a pet.

▼ An anonymous man donates some money to a homeless mother and child.

▼ A thoughtful person has left some bananas at the door of an elderly woman.

See Video Here

The TV commercial concludes with a thought provoking message that reads “What are the things that you want in your life?”

I think that there are many ways to enrich ones life through being kind to our fellow human beings every day of our lives!

source: YouTube

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