Here 10 Amazing Scientific Facts About the Human Body That You May Not Know!!!

How much do you know about the human body? Here are 10 amazing scientific facts about the human body that you may not have been aware of.

Please watch and enjoy the video and colorful images which explains about the science of the body!

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You will produce about 100,000 cups (approximately 20 million liters) of saliva in a lifetime.


That is enough saliva to fill up two swimming pools!


When awake, your brain produces enough electricity to power a small light bulb.


If you have blue eyes you have a higher alcohol tolerance.


If uncoiled, the DNA in all cells in your body would stretch 10 billion miles (about 16 billion kilometers), from Earth to the planet Pluto and back.


Every day, your heart creates enough energy to drive a truck for 20 miles (32 kilometers).


Your heart will pump 1.5 million barrels of blood during your lifetime, enough to fill 200 train tanker cars.


31% of your bones are made of water.


When you take one step, you are using up to 200 muscles.


Your eyes can distinguish approximately 10 million different colors.


Your heartbeat changes and mimics the music you listen to.


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