A Comic Confrontation Between a Cat and Postman is an Absolute Delight to See!!!

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A postal delivery man attempts to deposit a package into the mailbox of a residence and is met with opposition from a cat who valiantly struggles with the postman by sticking his paws out through the slot of the mailbox at the front door.

This comic confrontation is so amusing to watch so please enjoy this humorous struggle captured on video between human and pet!

▼ Here is the cat glaring out from a window inside the house.


▼As the postman attempts to slide a letter in through the slot of the front door of the house, a cat paw lunges out to try and stop him!fd002737

▼ As the postman extends his gloved hand towards the mail slot, two paws of the aggressive kitty reaches out to stop him. Notice that the claws of this cat is out!

It seems that this confrontation could become a daily routine every time the postman visits this particular residence. I hope that the cat changes his mind about mail delivery soon!

source: YouTube

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