See Two Playful Seniors Perform a Hilarious Magic Trick with a Pet Bottle in These Images!!!

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Here are the This Tixes couple living in Indiana state of America.

Mischievous animation that Mr. Marietta of the wife who is on the left works for her husband Tommy is now being talked about all over the world!

Play more than 70.41 million times in only 3 days after the video was released, and more than 550 thousand people say “Like” !

What is that mischief!

A cute couple too cute.

Mr. Marietta to talk to Tommy and “Look at you, my magic trick!” .

Tommy also looks at “Ok!” and a plastic bottle full of water in front of you.

source: Facebook

That kind of hand was like this.

First place a plastic bottle on the coin on the table and cover the towel. And when Mr. Marietta cast a spell, that coin enters into a plastic bottle.

source: Facebook
source: Facebook

Tommy, who believes Marietta’s explanation while surprisingly, “You are serious!?” .

And Mr. Marietta began to cast a mysterious spell called ‘Bugibuggi!’ (laugh)

source: Facebook

Take out the towels and urge Tommy to “Look into a bit”

source: Facebook

An emergency event will happen to Tommy’s! Please watch that mischievous with a video while paying attention after this!

See Video Here

source: Facebook

What did you think?

I am surprised at the mischievous mischief, but after all I smile a bit like a laugh at them. We also smile unexpectedly (laugh)

source: Facebook

I wish I could have such a playful couple.

source: Facebook

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